Program Librarian Online Resources

Program Librarian Online Resources

Programming Librarian

A website of the American Library Association Public Programs Office

Abby the Librarian

By day, collection development librarian in Southern Indiana. By night, blogger extraordinaire

That After School Life

The best program activities for after school programs and summer camps. These projects promote creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. Increase engagement through STEM, arts and crafts, and more.


Pursuing excellence for library service to children

Teen Services Underground

The first rule of Teen Services Underground is: tell everyone you know about Teen Services Underground!

In Short, I am Busy

This is a resource collection of my programming plans. Feel free to reuse the materials presented here in library and school settings (storytime etc.) but please don't reuse any photographs or sell any of the materials included.

Super Library Marketing

All kinds of marketing ideas for all kinds of libraries.

5 Min Librarian

All you need to know in the time you have


Tune in for storytime success

Lightsome Librarian

My current goal is to add to the field of school-age librarianship sharing activities, books, and crafts.

The Lego Librarian

Peter Blenski has been a children’s librarian in the Milwaukee area for seven years.  After several contentious elections, he has been president of his Lego Club for the past four years.  He loves to create new challenges for his kids, and feels this approach to structured play combines creativity and problem solving with cooperation and time management.  Peter also writes reviews for both “School Library Journal” and “Booklist.”  He spends most of his free time with his wife and their dog, Loki.

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.


Storytime Katie

I started to blog about my storytimes partly so I could access and search my records easier, but mostly because I had been inspired by all of the blogs who had helped me in a storytime pinch.

Ontarian Librarian

Professional sillyhead and community enthusiast.  Here you will find programming outlines for children, teens, and new adults; book reviews; readers advisory tools; information literacy presentations; and lots of ideas.

Teen Services Depot

One Stop Shop for Teen Programming